Welcome Neighbor!
All disciplines and levels of riders, leaders, and feeders are welcome!
We are diverse from young to golden oldies, from beginners to professionals, gamers, trail riders, dressage, hunter/jumpers, cutters, ten penners, show horses, pleasure horses, and wonderful pets, the list goes on.
All with a common bond of love and appreciation for our beloved horses.
Join Us! We meet on the first Tuesday of the month to plan for shows, trail rides, educational seminars, fundraisers, or exchange information. Bring your ideas as activities change as the needs and goals of the Saddle Club evolve.
If you are new to the area or just interested in learning more about horses and our community, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dues are $75.00 per year, payable each January if paid in person or mailed in.
On line membership, payment is $80 to cover transaction costs and office work
At least one adult must be listed on the application. Signatures of every adult member are required. Please mail or bring filled-out applications and dues to a monthly Club meeting (first Tuesday of the month). Or apply and pay online.
Our Mailing address is:
PO Box 154
Hood River, OR 97031