Balanced Jumping lessons with Jennifer Wooten – Macouzet
Choose one or all of the following dates:
$100 a lesson for 1 day or
$175 for both days
Riders groups of 5
Max 20 riders
Ground poles & x rails
18” -2 foot
2’ – 2’6
2’6 – 3 foot
3 foot and above
Open to riders with minimal jumping experience. First day focuses on developing proper flat & gymnastics work to prepare for course work on the second day to include introduction to XC riding.
Jennifer’s wealth of experience comes from training & competing on the national & International stage at the 5 star level in Eventing, ICP IV instructor, USPC pony club graduate. Ride IQ Instructor
To reserve your spot and make payment for these lesson / clinics, please contact Jennifer Wooten at 805-588-7600.